Why did we start our group?  We are buyers and sellers of real estate like everyone else, and like many agents, we decided to get licensed as a result of poor experiences, broken promises, half-truths, and a general lack of effort on many agents’ parts.

Looking in from the outside, we got the sense that real estate was more like a sleazy used-car-esque industry rather than an opportunity to help people make one of the biggest decisions of their lives. So we thought, why not do it ourselves?

Very quickly we learned that what we saw on HGTV is not actually how the industry operates, and a career change to real estate is not as easy as it seems. 

We learned that agents are typically out there on their own. In addition to trying to help their clients buy or sell, they are also trying to run their own companies, most of the time with little to no support around them. 

As a result, they turn to Facebook groups or online forums for intel and support. Either that or they change offices frequently because they feel lost and alone. Imagine if clients found out that their agents were relying on Facebook and Reddit for their legal matters? We shudder to think. 

In our opinion, real estate school teaches you how to measure a property line and how not to get sued (too bad, anyway). It doesn’t prepare you for the real world of real estate. 

That made us think: how could we eliminate the pain, confusion, frustration, and disorientation for ourselves? How could we elevate ourselves and those around us to a higher standard? How could we build something that would help agents understand the value in knowledge and experiences, not just, “what did that house sell for”? 


We have three strong teams across Canada, ready to support your real estate goals. With two dedicated teams in Ontario
and one in Alberta, we're local experts with national reach. Let us work together to achieve your property goals.

Get In Touch

Blue Door Realty Group

Phone: 416-267-0855

Fax: 416-242-2473


Office Info

Blue Door Realty Group

4-50 Northline Road  Toronto,  ON  M4B 3E2 

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